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UNDP Nature
Embrace Adventure and Commune With Nature on an Immersive Tour Through Malaysia’s Setiu Wetlands
February 22nd, 2024
Unlocking nature's potential to promote a blue and green economy transformation in Small Island D...
August 14th, 2023
A journey into the heart of Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest is redefining sustainable tourism
September 23rd, 2022
Rain, landslides, floods – nature-based solutions prevent soil erosion and protect people in Pera...
March 18th, 2022
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Putting nature at the heart of development: Our vision is a future where the world’s biodiversity and ecosystems are protected, restored and valued as a planetary safety net for all of humanity. We're working to safeguard our food, our water, our livelihoods and jobs, our climate, our health and our security, enabling people to rise out of poverty and inequality to live more just and sustainable lives. Take a look at how we're putting this into action.