Our Human Tribe Our Human Tribe Valuing traditional governance and securing land rights of indigenous peoples and local communiti... May 20th, 2022 In GEF Small Grants Programme
Paladines de los humedales Paladines de los humedales Jóvenes de Guatemala se convierten en embajadores de la protección de los humedales gracias a la ... February 2nd, 2022 In GEF Small Grants Programme
Champions of the wetlands Champions of the wetlands Targeted trainings are turning youth into powerful ambassadors for biodiversity and ecosystem con... January 31st, 2022 In GEF Small Grants Programme
Mujeres, cultura y territorio Mujeres, cultura y territorio Salvaguardando la biodiversidad y protegiendo la cultura ancestral en Colombia July 25th, 2019 In Food and Commodities Systems
Women, culture, and territory Women, culture, and territory Safeguarding biodiversity by protecting ancestral culture in Colombia June 20th, 2019 In Food and Commodities Systems
Savoirs ancestraux Savoirs ancestraux Le Maroc tire parti des connaissances traditionnelles pour préserver l'environnement et les modes... June 4th, 2019 In GEF Small Grants Programme
Ancestral Ingenuity Ancestral Ingenuity Harnessing traditional knowledge and innovation in Morocco, conservation and livelihoods flourish June 4th, 2019 In GEF Small Grants Programme